Saturday, November 17, 2007

Can we control all our muscles?
You can control nearly all of the skeletal muscles. the one attached to your bones. You can control some of the muscles that work other parts of your body, such as the one you use to swallow, and those you use to make faces. You also have muscles, such as those in your eyes and digestive system, that work without your telling them to.

Each time you take a stride, powerful muscles in the back of your thighs and calves press your feet and toes againts the ground, levering your body forwards. Muscles on the front of your thighs lift your legs.

Closing up
When bright light shine in your eyes, muscles inside your eyes automatically make your pupils smaller to reduce the amount of light getting in.

In the air
Muscles in your shoulder and upper arm ruse and bend your arms to help you stay balanced when your body is off the ground. Muscles in your thighs raise your legs and keep them bent.

Thigh muscles hold your legs steady, with knees and ankles bent, ready to take the force of the impact with the ground. At the same time, muscles on the front of your body tighten up, keeping your stomach and intestines in place as you suddenly come to a halt.

Tired out
Athletes push themselves very hard during competition and their leg muscles take time to stop aching.

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