Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sweat glands
Sweat is a watery fluid that helps to keep your cool. It is made by coiled glands that open onto the surface of your skin. The palms of your hands have more sweat glands than anywhere else, up to 500 per cm2 of skin (3250 per sq in).


Whenever you touch anything smooth, your fingers leave marks. These marks are called fingerprints. Fingerprints are made of sweat and body oils, and they are exact copies of the tiny ridges that cover your fingertips. Identical twins have matching fingerprints, but everybody else has their own unique pattern, which will resemble one of the basic patterns. Fingerprints are often used to identify people present at the scene of a crime. To find fingerprints, police scientists dusts the objects at a crime scene with a fine powder. This sticks to the sweat and oil that the fingers have left behind, making the marks show up. The police then see if the marks match up with the fingerprints of any of their suspects. There are four kinds of fingerprints :

  • Arch
  • Loop
  • Whorl
  • Composite

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Tag :fingerprints

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